Mojo Bags

Mojo bags are a staple in hoodoo conjuring, and are designed as an amulet for you to carry with you, to bring to you what it is that you desire. They are designed for a variety of purposes – love, money, luck, protection, healing, mastery and success, among other goals.
A mojo bag is also known by other names including mojo hand, toby and gris-gris.
Mojo bags are crafted from small flannel pouches in a color corresponding to your goal (such as red for love, green for money, blue for healing, purple for mastery, etc.). They contain natural herbs, roots, minerals and other curious personally selected to help you draw in what you wish.
Mojo bags are considered “living things” and must be cared for in a loving, nurturing fashion. They are very powerful amulets and can last a long time if you are careful with them. They are meant to be worn against your skin for the first seven days, to align their energy with yours, and thereafter carried with you. It is important that your mojo bag is not seen or touched by others.
I will custom make a mojo bag for you, pray over it, smoke it in incense to charge it with its intended purpose, and mail it to you. You would then include your personal concerns (hair, etc.) and tie it closed. I will also include one dram of condition oil specific to your situation, for you to “feed” your mojo bag regularly. I will also include full instructions for you to work your mojo bag and keep it in good health.
Mojo bags start at $50 inclusive of shipping. You can order one by contacting me at the link at the bottom of this page and I will direct you to my PayPal page.
Honey Jars

A honey jar is a traditional hoodoo conjuring method to sweeten the relationship between people. It can be used for love or for improving bonds between individuals in professional or social situations. Many of my clients request them to sweeten difficult colleagues or bosses at work, as they can help improve attitudes and behaviors of anyone we come in contact with in our everyday lives.
Honey jars can last a very long time, and can keep this wonderful sweetening energy on a relationship for the long haul. You work them by burning candles on them (red for passionate love, pink for romance, white for general purposes).
They can be kept in your home, either hidden away in a quiet place or out in the open depending on your circumstances. Personally, I like to see it kept under the bed of a couple who wishes to maintain the loving bond of their intimate relationship.
I craft these using the personal concerns of my clients (hair, photos, etc.) and a mix of herbs whose spiritual properties are aligned with the goal of the work.
Honey jars may be re-opened to add more honey over time or to include any additional personal concerns you acquire. We will discuss your intentions for use prior to creating your jar, to ensure the ingredients are suitable for ingestion if you wish to use the honey in cooking for your target.
I will custom make your honey jar for you, pray over it, set it on my altar and work a candle on it once a week (on Fridays, the traditional day for spellwork on relationships) for one month. I will then mail the jar to you for you to continue working with it at home.
Honey jars start at $100 inclusive of shipping. You can order one by contacting me at the link at the bottom of this page and I will direct you to my PayPal page.
Cursing Jars

A cursing jar is a traditional hoodoo conjuring method designed to break up relationships, sour someone’s life or get revenge on an enemy.
The intention is to keep the couple or individual swirling around in a nasty concoction of destructive ingredients, which may include vinegar, coffin nails, broken glass, herbs and roots with destructive spiritual properties, and other items selected for your personal goal.
They are traditionally worked by shaking them while cursing the person or relationship, and by burning black candles on top of the lid.
I will custom craft a cursing jar for you using the personal concerns (hair, photos, etc.) of your intended target, and will light black candles on them twice a week (Tuesday and Saturday, the traditional days for performing cursing spellwork) for one month.
I will then mail the jar to you for you to continue working with it at home, if desired, or I will deploy it for you by burying it in a cemetery. Once crafted and sealed, cursing jars must never be re-opened.
Cursing jars start at $200 inclusive of shipping or deployment. You can order one by contacting me at the link at the bottom of this page and I will direct you to my PayPal page.
Please note: I require a reading with you first to determine if this cursing work is spiritually justified. This is not an appropriate undertaking if you are simply annoyed with someone, want to break up a committed relationship to steal someone for yourself, or for other superficial reasons. Your reading will confirm whether or not this is an appropriate approach to take for you. I will therefore not undertake this work if divination determines that this is not justified in your situation. If the work is indeed justified, the cost of your reading ($50 for 30 minutes) will be deducted from the cost of your cursing jar.