About Miss Athena
I was born into a family of folk magic practitioners. My maternal grandmother was adept at spiritual healing in the Mediterranean tradition, as was her grandmother before her, and she was often called upon to identify and remove the “evil eye” placed on others in our community. My mother thought this was either a silly old-world superstition or a form of witchcraft and wanted nothing to do with it, but I took it very seriously.
When I was still quite young, my grandmother taught me various methods of spiritual divination and later, when I was old enough to take on the responsibility, she taught me the prayer and ritual needed to cleanse someone afflicted with the evil eye or other malevolent energy. Thus began my journey into magic.
I went on to study various other systems of magic and spiritual arts, as practiced from Europe to China. In recent years, I studied with Catherine Yronwode, a leading authority on the African-American conjure practice of hoodoo. I graduated from her one-year immersive course of study, which involved the principles and hands-on practice of this time honored tradition.
The methods I employ today to help my clients are therefore grounded in a combination of spiritual and cultural practices. For example, I will call upon the aid of saints in the Christian tradition as often as I call upon the spirits of the natural world, notably the energy specific to roots, herbs and minerals as practiced in hoodoo conjure. I also work to balance the natural energy of a given environment, known as chi, in the feng shui tradition.
Please note that while spells can greatly enhance your chance of success, no ethical spellcaster would ever offer you a “100% guarantee” of their effectiveness. If someone should promise you that, my best advice is for you to run! Such scammers are sadly abundant in the spiritual community, and simply prey on the vulnerability of clients seeking help in order to line their own pockets.
Instead, my promise to you is that any work I do on your behalf – from reading cards to performing spellwork – will be conducted according to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

About Miss Athena
I was born into a family of folk magic practitioners. My maternal grandmother was adept at spiritual healing in the Mediterranean tradition, as was her grandmother before her, and she was often called upon to identify and remove the “evil eye” placed on others in our community. My mother thought this was either a silly old-world superstition or a form of witchcraft and wanted nothing to do with it, but I took it very seriously.
When I was still quite young, my grandmother taught me various methods of spiritual divination and later, when I was old enough to take on the responsibility, she taught me the prayer and ritual needed to cleanse someone afflicted with the evil eye or other malevolent energy. Thus began my journey into magic.
I went on to study various other systems of magic and spiritual arts, as practiced from Europe to China. In recent years, I studied with Catherine Yronwode, a leading authority on the African-American conjure practice of hoodoo. I graduated from her one-year immersive course of study, which involved the principles and hands-on practice of this time honored tradition.
The methods I employ today to help my clients are therefore grounded in a combination of spiritual and cultural practices. For example, I will call upon the aid of saints in the Christian tradition as often as I call upon the spirits of the natural world, notably the energy specific to roots, herbs and minerals as practiced in hoodoo conjure. I also work to balance the natural energy of a given environment, known as chi, in the feng shui tradition.
Please note that while spells can greatly enhance your chance of success, no ethical spellcaster would ever offer you a “100% guarantee” of their effectiveness. If someone should promise you that, my best advice is for you to run! Such scammers are sadly abundant in the spiritual community, and simply prey on the vulnerability of clients seeking help in order to line their own pockets.
Instead, my promise to you is that any work I do on your behalf – from reading cards to performing spellwork – will be conducted according to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Member of AIRR: the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
The Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR) is a gathering of professional practitioners of African American folk magic, hoodoo, conjure, and rootwork who provide psychic readings and spiritual root doctoring services to the public.
AIRR promotes quality service and ethical conduct by means of accreditation and evaluation of our members. Unlike commercial online psychic reader services, AIRR is a membership-supported organization that receives no fees or kickbacks for referrals.